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Home / News / What Should I Do If The Marking Depth Of The Laser Marking Machine Is Inconsistent?

What Should I Do If The Marking Depth Of The Laser Marking Machine Is Inconsistent?

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What Should I Do If The Marking Depth Of The Laser Marking Machine Is Inconsistent?

Laser marking machine is a commonly used marking equipment. Due to the influence of various factors, the marking depth may be inconsistent. At this time, the following methods are required to solve the problem.

1. Adjust the parameters of the marking machine: By properly adjusting the parameters of the marking machine, such as the distance from the material, power, speed, frequency and other parameters, the effect of consistent marking depth can be achieved.

2. Replace the lens or lens barrel of the marking machine: the quality of the lens or lens barrel of the marking machine will affect the marking depth. If you find that the depth is inconsistent, you can consider replacing with higher quality accessories to obtain a more stable marking. mark depth.

3. Clean the lens and optical path: When using a laser marking machine, due to long-term use, the mirror will be polluted or there will be too much dust, resulting in inconsistent marking depth. At this time, it is only necessary to clean the lens and optical path to ensure the quality of optical path transmission.

4. Use higher quality material: Sometimes the cause of inconsistent depth is not the marking machine, but the quality of the material. Therefore, higher quality materials should be selected before using the laser marking machine to ensure a stable and consistent marking depth.

In short, when using a laser marking machine, it is normal to have inconsistent depth. As long as you adjust according to the above methods, you can solve the problem smoothly and let the laser marking machine play the best effect. At the same time, better maintenance and maintenance of equipment is also very important.

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