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Home / News / What Is The Technical Principle Of The Laser Cleaning Machine

What Is The Technical Principle Of The Laser Cleaning Machine

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What Is The Technical Principle Of The Laser Cleaning Machine

Laser cleaning can not only be used to clean organic pollutants, but also can be used to clean inorganic substances, including metal rust, metal particles, dust and so on. What is the technical principle of the laser cleaning machine that is introduced below.

The process of pulsed Nd: YAG laser cleaning depends on the characteristics of the light pulse produced by the laser, based on the photophysical reaction caused by the interaction between the high intensity beam, the short pulse laser and the pollution layer.

The physical principles can be summarized as follows:

1. The beam emitted by the laser is absorbed by the contamination layer on the surface to be treated.

2. The energy density of the laser can be adjusted to expand the dirt by heat. When the expansion force of dirt is greater than the adsorption force of dirt on the matrix, the dirt will depart from the surface of the object.

3 The light pulse width must be short enough to avoid thermal accumulation of the treated surface.

4. The divergence Angle of the laser beam is small and the direction is good. Through the concentrating system can gather the laser beam into different light spots with different diameters.

5. The absorption of large energy forms a sharply expanding plasma (highly ionized unstable gas), producing a shock wave.

The contaminated layer of a certain thickness was removed by each laser pulse.

If the contamination layer is thick, multiple pulses are required for cleaning. The number of pulses required to clean the surface depends on the degree of surface contamination. An important outcome resulting from the two thresholds is the automation of the cleaning. Light pulses with energy density above the first threshold will remove contaminants until the substrate material is reached. However, because its energy density is below the destruction threshold of the substrate material, the substrate is not damaged. Wuhan Ruifeng photoelectric laser equipment is relatively cost-effective, with many years of laser research and development experience, mature product technology, product performance is safe and stable.auspicious Feng photoelectric laser power always adhere to the "quality first, service second, price third" attitude, to provide customers with the best quality products and services.

The above is the technical principle of laser cleaning machine, laser cleaning and mechanical friction cleaning, chemical corrosion cleaning and other traditional cleaning methods compared, has obvious advantages. It is efficient, fast and low cost, small heat load and mechanical load on the substrate, cleaning is non-damage; does not damage the health of operators; cleaning process is easy to realize automatic control and remote control cleaning. It can be seen that the laser cleaning technology will gradually replace some traditional cleaning methods in the future

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